Auto Liker

Increase likes on YOUR pages/photos/status/comments

The like button is a feature of social networking service Facebook, where users can like content such as status updates, comments, photos, links shared by friends, and advertisements. The feature was activated February 9, 2009. It is also a feature of the Facebook Platform that enables participating websites to display a button which enable sharing the site's content with friends.When a user clicks the Like button, the content appears in the News Feeds of that user's friends. The button also displays the number of users that liked each piece of content, and may show a full or partial list of those users. This feature may appear differently on mobile web applications. A "Like Box" also allows Facebook page owners to see how many users and which of their friends like the page.
Facebook describes "liking" as a way for users to "give positive feedback and connect with things [they] care about.

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